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The Town Of Somers Police Benevolent Association

Annual Fund Drive

A view of the lake As in years past our annual fund drive will get underway in early September. We look forward to the continued community support, and as always we will continue to work for the health and safety of all Somers residents.

We will send letters in September and want to remind everyone that contact by mail is the only means used by the Somers PBA for solicitation of funds. We do not employ or authorize any person or group to solicit on our behalf.

Donations are accepted any time and can be sent to the address below, with our thanks.

Our address is:

Town of Somers
Police Benevolent Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 501
Somers, NY 10589-0501

Our annual fund drive letter.

Town of Somers Police
Tn House Logo Benevolent Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 501, Somers, NY 10589-0501

Dear Somers Neighbor:

Since its inception, the Somers PBA has kept the welfare of the community at heart and provides relief to Somers police officers and their families in times of need. We also provide scholarships for graduating seniors who excel in community service.

Thanks to your past support, the Town of Somers Police Benevolent Association has been able to continue its community service efforts. It is that time of the year when we ask for your help… to support and assist us with our work in this great town of ours.

With your financial support we can continue our support of these programs, plus have enough funds to expand our activities even further.

We pride ourselves in serving our community. Please take a moment to send a contribution. A self-addressed envelope is provided for your convenience.

We offer our warmest thank you and deepest appreciation for your generosity.

For information on community events and other items of interest, visit our site on the World Wide Web.

Please note that this letter is the only method used by the Somers PBA for fund raising.

We do not authorize or employ any one or any group to raise funds on our behalf.

* This Corporation is private, and is not part of Somers Government.